Showing posts with label pendapat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pendapat. Show all posts

#1 The Habits : Makanan Mewah

Assalamualaikum..kebanyakan daripada kita hari ini masing-masing memiliki at least satu akaun dalam laman sosial..dan mungkin mempunyai lebih atas alasan tertentu..kepastian yang nyata, facebook telah memonopoli kebanyakan laman sosial kerana lebih friendly user dan lebih mudah diselenggara berkenaan sesuatu status, news, bisnes online, upload photo album dan lebih mudah untuk mewujudkan interaksi mengikut kesesuaian sama ada secara public atau private..

sumber :
Secara roughly, aku hanya bersandarkan kepada observation yang tiada tabulate data, rata-rata user laman sosial lebih gemar memuatnaik gambar-gambar makanan..dan aku harus bold "Makanan Mewah"..rasanya tidak perlu aku mendefinisikan makanan mewah tu macam mana..secara automatik mindset kita beranggapan makanan di dalam Mall, makanan yang berharga melebihi rm20 and above serta makanan seafood adalah mahal..ini termasuklah outlet-outlet yang menyediakan fast food..

Habit snap photo makanan ini pada aku tidak terlalu heavy bahkan aku sendiri suka snap beberapa gambar makanan..tetapi persoalannya perlukah makanan mewah sahaja yang perlu bergambar? kenapa tidak makanan di kedai mamak dan warung-warung di tepi jalan? standard atau moderation? cuba fikirkan..sebenarnya sudah lama aku terfikirkan apa yang membuatkan kita lebih teruja memuatnaik makanan mewah..keep thinking

Aku senaraikan ini sebagai salah satu habit yang akan menjadi rantaian buat entri aku akan datang..keep reading untuk habit yang seterusnya

P/s : aku adalah penggemar makanan..semua aku sapu asalkan ianya HALAL

Betul Ke Blogger Famous Lebih Disayangi ? you ever depressed when readers not having much interest to read your blog? or visitors that hit your traffic count has becoming low day by day...? and when you look at the famous blogger just a short update but it's like a tremendous things happened and 500 comments it's not a big deal...they can reach their target by updating a simple posting...instead, at the sametime you have pull out your effort and it doesn't produce a good result as do you wish...why?

1) Either man or girls, actually we always finding good looking such a bonus when they are influential....maybe some of you are nodding your head and maybe some are not...according to my experience about 1 and half years blogging, pretty bloggers @ handsome bloggers always get the constant attention and followers get alert when their blogs has been no wonder if thousand comments for a short posting...not surprising enough, just stick a few photos inside their posting and peoples who read not are going to comment their entries...but beautiful photos they've the peak of achievement, from someone who unfamiliar turn up as a famous blogger...became somebody and peoples got to know you

2) Yeah as the title's not a current issue and it happened continuously from last time till today...believe it or not, thousand bloggers are listing up famous bloggers to be on their bloglist...and it's not end, there's a few bloggers update their posting and mention about the particular famous bloggers...keep praising and lots of compliments...right?

P/s : this is just my view...sorry if get hurt...actually, bloggers are still bloggers...we are under one roof...why not we are all united and there's a no huge barrier for us...? we need to have a strong relationship and always support each it can? only you can answering it

The Differences : Followers, Readers & Commentators issue to be debated right? now on, there's many newbie that venture in blogspot which is tend to have some fun or maybe get serious in running the sale on their's all up to you...yeah it's been like a mushroom after a rainy no wonders today I'm not going to buy newspaper as I know bloggers are pull out to attract peoples to read their entries...especially for those who bring up the info, recipes and something useful to guide our daily life...but there's a bunch of blogger do not know how the blog's function...

1) Followers : I follow you...hit me back @ already follow you...hit me back

Yeah...this is the most hot issue among the's not a big deal for us to follow your blog but the priority things you should do is produce good entries... I mean, which is good to look at and feel fun when keep reading your entries...if needed, you can decorate your blog so that the visitors get attracted and feel free to hit your follow button...

2) Readers : silent reader @ fast learner reader

I know bloggers always finding an informative blog which is tutorial, news, movies download, recipes for those who loves cooking and so on...last time, I'm being stalker and for sure silent reader for a few blogs...I'd love to read entries which is guide me in to have faith in our greatest creator, peculiar stories, exclusive news and sometimes personal stories also is good to read...but how about fast learner reader? yup there are readers and categorised as a "master" in tutorial, HTML...not left behind, those who are good in editing photos or videos...hebat2

3) Commentators : loyal commentators @ unknown commentators

yeah I love my loyal commentators more than followers....this is a good way to have abundant ideas, suggestion and feedback when we really need help...just to ask, haven't you ever write something interesting but there's no one to reply you...though it's a good message to be it thousand followers you have are willing to drop comments in your entries? the answer is not...just a few right? that's why I love my readers and my loyal commentators because they have much more interest to be friend when I really need someone to talk with or sharing something...unknown commentators? I love them...sometimes good feedback comes from their view...

So, what is your real identity? let the cat out of the bag...or I'll put the cat in your school's bag...hehe...kidding

P/s : line slow tapi masih gigih update blog...haha

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