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Betul Ke Blogger Famous Lebih Disayangi ?

Assalamualaikum...do you ever depressed when readers not having much interest to read your blog? or visitors that hit your traffic count has becoming low day by day...? and when you look at the famous blogger just a short update but it's like a tremendous things happened and 500 comments it's not a big deal...they can reach their target by updating a simple posting...instead, at the sametime you have pull out your effort and it doesn't produce a good result as do you wish...why?

1) Either man or girls, actually we always finding good looking bloggers...it such a bonus when they are influential....maybe some of you are nodding your head and maybe some are not...according to my experience about 1 and half years blogging, pretty bloggers @ handsome bloggers always get the constant attention and followers get alert when their blogs has been updated...so no wonder if thousand comments for a short posting...not surprising enough, just stick a few photos inside their posting and peoples who read not are going to comment their entries...but beautiful photos they've got...at the peak of achievement, from someone who unfamiliar turn up as a famous blogger...became somebody and peoples got to know you

2) Yeah as the title above...it's not a current issue and it happened continuously from last time till today...believe it or not, thousand bloggers are listing up famous bloggers to be on their bloglist...and it's not end, there's a few bloggers update their posting and mention about the particular famous bloggers...keep praising and lots of compliments...right?

P/s : this is just my view...sorry if get hurt...actually, bloggers are still bloggers...we are under one roof...why not we are all united and there's a no huge barrier for us...? we need to have a strong relationship and always support each other...is it can? only you can answering it


mrs eyza said...

kadang2 sikap followers sendiri CAER...nak kejar trafik, wpun bF cuma post entri pendek tetap nak komen jugak.

Ayuni said...

hm, as for my blog, people did't like to read English....

caer sasuke said...

kak far east : itulah jwpan paling tepat...pelik2..

caer sasuke said...

ayuni : depend on readers..as for me there's nothing related the language..I love english and my mother tongue,malay...more =)

Anonymous said...

saya stuju. post yang tak best pon byk comment. peliik btol

caer sasuke said...

mimi : it's not fair kan? hmm..biase la..hidup ni mmg cam roda..ade mase naik ade mase nnt kita akan di bawah..

sabree hussin said...

regarding the arguments, i agree most of them.

In fact it also happen in daily life.. those who have good looking have the most influent and interest of others..

insya allah.. i'll be the new frequent visitor for this blog

caer sasuke said...

sabree hussin : yup..keep praising and nothing we get back..thanks sabree =)

aidateddy said...

Totally agree on this.

Lately ni, noobs just tempek je gambar Hot-photoshopped and walla~ fofuler!


caer sasuke said...

aidateddy : yup..caer pon penah tepek gambar2 kat entri tp entri tak meletop pon..in a nutshell dont praise much right..just be ordinary blogger which deliver good things =)

Nisa Greennnpanda said...

we both write in english la, we're the same.. I never have liked people following on the basis of increasing their followers.

most famous bloggers are famous bcoz of what they write.. that's why many people follow them. but there are certain bloggers who follow famous ones juz to get the attention.. "-_-

sori if I wrote to long, hehe.. XP

caer sasuke said...

nisa greenpanda : it's ok..good shout..and I do agree with you..thanks for drop comment..=)

agak masalah said...

betul tu nisa. saya pun kadang2 buat gitu, nak attention dari dorang huhu newbie katakan. tah bila la nak ada reader. silent reader yang sudi baca pun ok la. x mengharapkan follower. kalau ada, syukur. ni pun menumpang kejap kat blog caer hehe

caer sasuke said...

agak masalah : haha..x de masalah..tumpang lame2 pon x pe..yup mmg susah nk ade loyal reader..klu ade just temporary..kan3..tp slmat caer ade..=p

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