Assalamualaikum...all muslims around the world will be celebrate hari raya korban (well known as raya haji)...all I can say it just around the corner and for sure many of us are waiting for the public holiday...hehe...the things I want to say is I should focus more on my study...lately I'm being engross with internet and frankly overstrained my eyes to keep on surfing until late night...addicted with those stuffs...*geleng2 kepala
I take this upportunity to say sorry if i've done wrong before...truely mean it...and don't forget to pray for my success...exam week already...will be slog myself in my room and cram my brain to absorb all the facts...while eat lemang...hehe

No duit raya, just a doodle card for my readers,visitors and my fellow followers...humble gift as a simple symbol of my gratitude =)
P/s : related at all..but i love this song..just guess?? before forgotten, I'll be offline for a do keep in touch and feel free to drop any comments...insyaAllah I'll reply soon
Related Posts : 1432h,
salam aidiladha, maaf zahir batin
selamat hari raya aidiladha buat CAER jugak..sambil makan lemang, ingatlah akak di sini hehehe...
nazrul azat : same2...maaf klu ade slah dan silap
kak far east : insyaAllah akak..maaf klu ade slah dan silap k..lemang tu post je..hehe
akak pun sama laaa...hehe ok nanti post ekk =)
selamat ari raye jugak caer . nnti bagi2 la sikit daging korban tu . hehe
kak far east : oo ye er?hehe gurau je la akak =p
cik nisa : daging korban yg fresh siap post kat address umah nisa...haha..just kidding..=p
dah amek da! masehhh!!
selamat hari raya haji jugak!
princess fiona : same2..slmat ari raye..grr =p
wahh.. raye Haji pun ade kad eh.. =)
pondok usang : hehe..caer bosan2 layan photoshop sat..idea tgh ade..curahkan saje..hehe =)
selamat hari raya korban bro..
hafizzi aziz : selamat hari raya korban gak =)
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