Showing posts with label dslr. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dslr. Show all posts

My Second Love?

Assalamualaikum...esok bakal bermula lagi sesi kuliah yang sememangnya caer rajin nak attend kelas..haha...this is a short update and it wont take long time of yours...sebenarnya caer nak berkongsi minat baru caer....frankly dah lama minat nak beli DSLR ni but it costly and I can't afford to buy this...especially masa2 study macam ni...terlampau banyak duit nak kena spend untuk beli keperluan assignment and all the things needed....

P/s : caer lagi suka canon...sebab my first photoshoot pinjam kamera member jenama canon 550d...thought it was awesome and obliviously I really want to have my own...sedang menunggu kot2 ada orang nak hadiahkan caer DSLR untuk birthday tahun ni....doakan caer ye...thanks..korang memang sweet...lagi satu..sila abaikan title untuk entry ni...haha

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